Eating My Words
Lots has happened in the last week. Gentleman Joe has stepped away from the candidacy and graciously recommended Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. In this, Joe Biden has shown himself to be a great statesman, and his short but beneficent period as president has improved the economy, foreign relations, public health and awareness of same, and many other areas of our lives. Kamala's nomination has revitalized the party, which is extraordinarily exciting and bodes well for our democracy. But this is not a political column. This is the Grouchy Old White Lady speaking here -- and so I turn to another one of my peeves, workmen. In fact, this week, as I was walking down a street a workman on a ladder called to a paunchy old guy with white hair and said loudly enough for me to hear -- "Trump will win. A woman will never win." And the paunchy dude agreed with him. Grrrrrrr. I just kept walking. We will bide our time, and we will see. The world actually needs workmen; I recognize that. I am not good with a hammer. But they have little respect for women, for the most part, and they are often crooks. Our workman who was good at some things (carpentry) also claimed he could fix our roof for which we paid him quite a lot of money. Our house, however, kept leaking. Finally, we hired someone else during COVID as our workman was told by his born-again pastor that vaccines are against the will of God. The second roofer showed us photos of the roof -- for which we had never thought to ask because we are obviously too trustful. Our first workman had been fixing our roof with duct tape, I kid you not, and rolls of plastic -- we then had our roof completely repaired by the real roofer (no leaks now). Then there was the plumber who came when some pipes froze who recommended just using a hair dryer on the walls (this obviously did not work). And the guy who was renovating for us at one point who said I could just write him a personal check, not a check to his company, whom I promptly fired. But I look forward to a time when workmen are polite to women (when?) and not so derogatory and hateful. Guys, if you do not know the term "derogatory," you can look it up.